Ok, so eating out, takeaways, and even a mini drinking session have been the lowlights of the past 2 weeks and blogging about it didn't make me feel great. I'm a bit disappointed in myself for going off the rails a little, and more so for abandoning the blog in an attempt to cover everything up. But I'm coming clean now.
What was most worrying was how easy it was to slip back into bad habits and stay there. I won't deny I enjoyed my food binges, the drink and the lack of gym monotony, but I'm better than that. I'm allowing myself the opportunity to forget the diet once a week by working hard for the other 6 days, but this took it to new levels.
So why did it happen? I can pinpoint 3 main reasons. There may be other things, but these are the biggies. Firstly, it was laziness. I was too lazy to cook, too lazy to say no when I was asked out and I was too lazy to address the problem at the time. Secondly, it was opportunity. I had been asked out, or arranged things, I was offered a chippy tea an took it. Thirdly, it was because I was bored of the diet, of the gym and I was rebelling a little bit.
So how can I prevent this from happening again? The laziness is a big issue I need to address. I need to be more prepped, more organised and to make sure that if I do slip, that I get back on top of this straight away. I will make sure my lunches are done the night before, that my teas that I am cooking are organised in advance so I have something to cook when I get home and that I can say no. The opportunity is something that will always be there, and it will never disappear. I'm a popular guy, what can I say? Haha! I need to be stronger though, or to pick better options if I do go out. Maybe allow myself some alcohol on a regular basis but go to Vodka and Diet Coke or Gin and Slimline Tonic rather than 12 pints of lager. It still needs to be in moderation though. This is something I'll have to think about. Finally, I either need to accept the diet for what it is, or look at following an actual diet (ie Weight Watchers or Slimming World) so that I can mix it up and vary it but still keep on the right track.I'm working harder than I've ever worked at the gym and I know there is more in me which pleases me. I did a hard 50 minute session tonight and I'm going to see how far I can push myself and that will be my motivation.
So how have I done in the last 2 weeks?
Year 2
= 23st 12lbs
Last week
= 23st 3bs
Week 5
= 23st 7lbs
= 5lbs
Back on it this week...better results next week! Poker update on Thursday, that's been fun too!
Back on it this week...better results next week! Poker update on Thursday, that's been fun too!
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