Thursday, 26 January 2012

$40 to $500 - The Beginning!

Evening all, hope all my Pistons are doing well out there! Friday tomorrow, are you excited? Not my Friday though…boo!

So as promised, I’m going to embark on a $40 to $500 challenge, so basically, from being rolled to play $2NL to being rolled to play $25NL. I’m not setting a deadline on this, but I’m happy to take any prop bets you want to throw out there? I think it will take me about 75k-100k hands, I’m probably running about 300-320 hands an hour so that’s roughly 235-333 hours of play I’m guessing. Over/Unders is set at 9 months…wow…really? Mmmm…do I have to start this?

I certainly don’t grind like I used to. Back in the day I 12-tabled $25NL for hours at a time. I fell out of love with online poker in a big way, probably through burnout, probably because I wasn’t progressing and partly because I was bored. Most of my enthusiasm has returned, but to be honest, the game has changed. I’d get destroyed if I jumped back into $25NL now, so I’m going to use this as a learning curve for me. Hopefully I’ll be back playing something other than cheeseburger stakes when the US legalise online poker again and I can make some decent monies. Here’s hoping!

So, how am I going to do this? I have to set myself a few rules else I’ll just short stack a $100NL game and spew my stack really quickly. Plus I want to get back into learning and developing again. I’m amazed how much the micros have progressed. I’ve played a couple of sessions there just to get a taste again and some of the play is pretty good. It’s weird that there seems to be regs at the bottom levels too. Either they are scared to take a shot or are losing players, guess I’ll find out in due course. Here are the simple rules that I’m going to follow.

1)      Minimum of 20 Buy Ins for the stakes I’m playing. If I drop under, I drop down
2)      No more than 6 tables at a time, with a view at taking good notes and making good reads
3)      Review session weekly, this is how the blog comes in. It means that I have to review, analyse and be honest with my results
4)      Brush up on the COTW on 2+2. Go through a couple of topics a week.

That should cover me on top of my usual poker rules. So every Thursday I will be providing a poker update on top of the Monday weightloss update. Talk about value for money. You guys are so lucky! No really, you are!

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